3 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Contractor

Are you beginning the search for a contractor? After scouring Pinterest and every home design magazine on the shelves, you know exactly what you want your new kitchen to look like. Now, the task is to find a contractor who can do the job right. For many who are new to the home remodeling process, the idea of having a company come into their home, demolish everything and trusting that the company will bring their vision to life… is daunting.

We get it. Your home is your sanctuary and you deserve a company you can rely on — from the initial bidding to the demo work, all the way to the finishing touches and attention to detail. To get the best value for your investment of time, money and energy, we’ve come up with a list of 3 Questions To Ask Your Contractor Before You Sign a Contract.

1. Can you show me what this is going to look like before you get started?

kitchen remodel - before photo - Phoenix, AZ

3D Renderings are becoming more popular across many industries, and for good reason - people want assurance that what they think they want is actually what they want. Plastic surgeons, hair stylists, interior designers, home builders, and contractors are using 3D Rendering technology to provide clients with a preview of what their product will look like when it’s finished. This is a huge plus for those who struggle with envisioning concepts. Also, let’s be honest…it’s just really cool!

Ask your contractor if their company offers this service because this question serves two purposes. Of course, you’ll be impressed if they do give 3D Renderings. More importantly, though, getting this question answered will show how in-tuned the company is with modern technology and the latest software.

Even if getting a 3D Rendering isn’t a huge deal for you, it’s a great telltale sign as to the quality standard of the company. Usually, outdated software indicates that the company may also be using outdated techniques and old equipment when it comes to the building process. As a homeowner, you’ll be saving loads of time and money if the contractor you use is implementing new technologies. Think of it like this — would you visit a doctor who has no knowledge of modern medicine? Likely not.

3D rendering for kitchen remodeling

2. How do you maintain cleanliness throughout the project?

This is a dreadful topic for homeowners, as they fear that the remodeling process will leave them with a huge dusty mess. It’s important that one of your first questions is how the company preps for the demolition and maintains the project throughout. Ask for photos of the demo preparation. Ask what their cleaning process is, and make sure you get all of this in writing, in your contract.

It’s important to take these extra steps to protect yourself and your home so that your contractor can’t bail on cleaning up. You want your remodel to be fun, exciting and rewarding- not a huge headache.

Proper Demo Prep for Optimal Dust Control

3. Does my work include a warranty?

Picture this: Your contractor does an amazing job. Your home vision has come to life, you’re happy with the results and you sign the final check. Ahhh, finally! Your dream kitchen is DONE. For six months, you’re in heaven.

Then, suddenly, the brand new refrigerator you bought stops working. Your new hardwood floors start to look a little warped, and things are just settling in a little different than you thought. Make sure you ask your contractor what their touchup policy is. After a remodel, you’ll most likely need them to revisit for a few touchups. However, if a major issue occurs and you need expensive items replaced, a warranty could potentially save you thousands of dollars.

A good contractor will have a warranty option available for you, so make sure you ask about it!

Schedule an appointment today!

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